RANGEO Corp. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) values your personal information and is compliant with the “Personal Information Protection Act” and other relevant laws.

Through our Privacy Policy, the Company wishes to inform you how the personal information you provide is being used, for what purposes, and what measures are being taken to protect your personal information.

■ Types of Personal Information Collected and Method of Collection
A. Types of Personal Information Collected

B. Method of Collection

■ Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information
The Company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes:

■ Retention and Usage Period of Personal Information
In principle, once the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information is promptly destroyed. However, the following information will be retained for the period specified for the reasons mentioned below:

A. Reasons for Information Retention According to the Company’s Internal Policy

B. Reasons for Information Retention According to Relevant Laws

■ Procedures and Methods for Destruction of Personal Information
The Company, in principle, promptly destroys personal information once the purpose of its collection and use has been achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows:

■ Provision of Personal Information
The Company does not, in principle, provide users’ personal information to external parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:

■ Entrusting Collected Personal Information
The Company entrusts the operation to external professional companies for the fulfillment of services as follows:

■ Rights of the User and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them

■ Personal Information Complaint Service
The Company has designated the following department and personal information protection officer to protect customers’ personal information and handle complaints related to personal information: